One of first things that we notice everyday in the newspaper are car crashes & deaths due to the same. A study has now been done on how human body should be designed to withstand car crashes
The first Grand Prix of this year’s Cannes Lions for has gone to Clemenger BBDO Melbourne for “Meet Graham,”. The road safety campaign that imagined what humans would look like if our bodies evolved to withstand car-crash forces.
The campaign won the Grand Prix on Saturday night in the Health & Wellness category of the Lions Health festival. It also won a gold Lion, three silvers and a bronze. Graham was designed & created by artist Patricia Piccinini, with help from a trauma surgeon and an accident research engineer, after she was commissioned to study the effects of road trauma on the human body. As the only “human” developed to withstand trauma on our roads, Graham is meant to make people stop and think about their own vulnerability, Clemenger has said.